Tuesday 22 September 2020

Dark Patterns

Dark Patterns.  Not just something grandma used to knit mittens with every year.  These Dark Patterns are tricks used by websites and apps that make you do things that you didn't mean to, like buying or signing up for something. I'm sure we've all been there. These can be quite sneaky as well!

There are many different types of Dark Patterns, here is an excellent site to visit and read up on the different types  Dark Patterns.

 Dark Patterns usually are not harmful, but can be more of a nuisance than anything else. Best way to prevent this, is to actually read those pop-ups, or click here buttons before you end up on mailing lists or buy a new freezer by accident. Web designers, and shady businesses, etc are always finding new ways to get your information, email, address, birthdate, etc. It's becoming more and more common that people just click the "I agree" or "allow" buttons without reading what you are actually allowing or agreeing too.

Check out that website, it's a good read, and has a ton of info on this topic.  

Stay safe.


Thursday 6 August 2020

Covid-19 and the digital world *Updated 10/11/2020*

With Covid-19 looking like it's not going away anytime soon, neither are the scams that accompany them.
Here is an excellent link about the current scams from the Government of Canada Anti-fraud center.

If you ever think you've been a victim of Fraud, please go to the Government of Canada Fraud reporting site and report it! Canada Anti-Fraud Center.
Don't forget to call your local police and report it as well!

Well, with the enormous outbreak of covid-19, there are a lot of people staying home, working from home, and even starting their own small business'.  So what about security? 

Well, most larger companies that are allowing employees to work from home, are mostly using secure VPN's, which allow access to an individual to the corporate network.  These types are quite secure, as they are constantly being monitored.

Those without the luxury of having a VPN network, should if possible set up a firewall on their home network, if they are doing a lot of work with sensitive data. 

There are many, many options out there for simple security in this new day and age.  Be sure to check out Google for many suggestions. Or leave a comment here and I will offer some advice on what you should and should not need!

Until soon....


Saturday 6 June 2020

Mitron app! Do NOT use!

G'day everyone.  Here's a little article on a new overnight viral App.

Mitron - a TikTok clone. That is being used to steal users information.

Just a quick note, to any that may be using it.  Read up on it!

Stay safe.


Saturday 23 May 2020

Getting Ninja'd? It's all fun until....

The new fad!  Getting Wine Ninja'd, or just Ninja'd! It can be a lot of fun.  Until of course you start posting your Name, address, and other details online, in hopes to get a cheap bottle of wine.  Or even worse, the kids, or even YOUR kids doing the same and having someone ask them to "ninja" them. Can be where all hell breaks loose. 

RCMP in Newfoundland & Labrador have posted an article telling people to beware of what they are sharing online during this new craze.  Read about it here :  RCMP on getting Ninja'd

I can't stress enough on what and what not to post online regarding personal information. You should never share anything regarding your personal address or even phone number.  I have some previous articles here on the topic, feel free to search them up.

Getting Ninja'd is the act of someone, usually anonymous, dropping off a "gift" bag which usually will contain a bottle of wine.  But with the craze taking off, now it can just be anything in the "gift" bag.

Everyone loves getting gifts, even better are the unknown surprise ones!  But you should never have to give out any personal information to recieve these.  It is supposed to come from someone who already knows you and wants to surprise you.  Then you would do the same, make a bag and pass it on to someone you know, or don't. Don't forget, there are some out there that will and ARE using this fad to gather your info etc. and who are not looking to give any gifts.

Not saying don't participate. It's a great idea during these pandemic times! Just saying be safe! Don't let YOUR information end up where it's not supposed to be.

Here are a few articles about the Ninja craze!

Stay Safe!


Thursday 21 May 2020

Meal delivery Service! Hacked!

Good day everyone.  In these pandemic times, a lot of things are changing, including how we shop and eat.  Quite a few people are turning to Meal Home delivery services.

    Home Chef™  has confirmed a data breach, announcing that 8 million user records have been compromised, and for sale on the Dark web. 

    Here is an article regarding it from Techcrunch.com

Just as a reminder to everyone, please use hard to guess passwords, and change them often, and do not reuse them! Even consider using a password manager like Dashlane or Lastpass. I have articles on how to setup and use these managers, feel free to browse through them!

They have also released a statement acknowledging the breach, and the action being taken to ensure it doesn't happen again.  Read about it here:  Home Chef.


Wednesday 6 May 2020

Have cryptocurrency? Beware these Chrome extentions!

To add to an ever-growing list of malicious extensions for Chrome, this list targets your crypto-currency wallets! 

The following article here lists some of those extensions that go looking for your hard-earned coins.

Extensions aren't a new thing, a lot of the "average" internet user doesn't use these. Although there are some out there that do and can fall prey to them.  Browser extensions are meant to enhance your internet experience, but like all things in cyberspace, there is always someone trying to steal something from you.

Here is an article from TheHackerNews from February, regarding 500 extensions that were removed from the google play store. 500 Chrome extensions caught stealing your data!

 There are many very useful extensions, and like anything else you tend to acquire, a little research goes a long way.  Read over the description and install instructions very carefully, and make yourself aware that when you are installing the extensions, you are giving it and the creator access to your browser and possibly it's history and your browsing habits!

In this new day and age, and the way our world is constantly changing now, always watch what you are giving out online!

Stay safe all!


Friday 24 April 2020

Upon further review, and some requests, This blog shall remain open!  New content coming soon!!

in the meantime.....

I'd rather be in Tos!

  So this post is going to be a little different, and will review a game, a very old, but great game, Meridian 59 !  This was the very first...