Wednesday 18 October 2023

AI - the basics

The Basics of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a fascinating field that has been making waves in the tech industry. It’s a broad term that refers to machines or software that mimic human intelligence, learn from experiences, adapt to new inputs, and perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence. Here are some of the basics you need to know about AI.

What is AI?
AI is a branch of computer science that aims to create systems capable of performing tasks that would normally require human intelligence. These tasks include learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, and language understanding.

Types of AI
There are two main types of AI: Narrow AI and General AI.

Narrow AI, also known as Weak AI, is designed to perform a narrow task such as voice recognition. These systems can only learn or be taught how to do specific tasks.

General AI, also known as Strong AI, are systems that possess the ability to perform any intellectual task that a human being can do. They can understand, learn, adapt, and implement knowledge in different domains.

Machine Learning
Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of AI. It’s a method of data analysis that automates analytical model building. It’s based on the idea that systems can learn from data, identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention.

Deep Learning
Deep Learning is a subset of ML. It mimics the workings of the human brain in processing data for use in decision making. Deep learning algorithms use artificial neural networks with several layers (hence the “deep” in deep learning).

Applications of AI
AI has a wide range of applications including but not limited to:

Healthcare: AI can be used for dosing drugs and different treatment in patients, and for surgical procedures in the operating room.
Automotive: Self-driving cars are one of the most exciting advancements in AI.
Finance: AI can be used for personal finance management, algorithmic trading, adaptive fraud detection, and underwriting loans and insurance.
Cybersecurity: AI can be used to detect anomalies and prevent cyber attacks.
The Future of AI
The future of AI holds significant promise. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see more sophisticated applications of AI in areas like healthcare, transportation, cybersecurity, and education.

Remember, this is just scratching the surface of what AI is all about. The field is vast and constantly evolving with new research and developments happening all the time.

ChatGPT, How fun it is.

 Below is an article regarding ChatGPT, and is written by ChatGPT with some of my own input. Enjoy. Exploring the Capabilities of ChatGPT In...